Rockin’ Patent – Couesnon Et Cie’s “Toy Saxophone”

French Patent No. 569,294 - Couesnon Et Cie - Toy Saxophone - Patents Rock - Russell IP
  • Rockin’ Patent: French Patent No. 569,294
  • Filed: 1 August 1923
  • In the name of: Couesnon Et Cie
  • Title: Toy Saxophone
  • What’s claimed: (please note this is a machine translation from French into English) “The arrangement of notes which reproduces the keyboard of a piano in its part which corresponds to the fundamental octave and overflowing more or less towards the upper and lower octaves.”
  • Why this patent rocks: This patent appears to relate to the ‘Couesnophone’, a free-reed musical instrument resembling a saxophone harmonicor, created by the French manufacturer Couesnon. It is also known as the ‘queenophone’ or more commonly as the ‘Goofus.’ The reeds vibrate when the desired keys are activated and the player blows through a tube. For a more detailed take, see here.

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